We'd love to hear from you! We are accepting new clients.
Yes, we accept Lane County OHP Medicaid Plans & Deschutes County OHP Medicaid Plans.
We now offer HIPAA compliant texting at 541-343-1728!
Our Contact Forms are HIPAA Compliant. We adhere to the strictest of confidentiality standards.
If you prefer to talk to us directly, please call or text the office instead.
Our office voicemail is also confidential so feel free to leave a detailed message.
Ask a Question, Cancel an appointment, Reschedule, Get a Message to a Team Member, & Any Other Miscellaneous Communication
Location & Hours
We have 4 lovely locations - 3 in Eugene and 1 in Bend. If your session is In-Person, please verify with the office or practitioner at the time you schedule which site you will be meeting your practitioner. Your appointment reminder should have an up to date location, but please reach out if you run into issues.
We serve the community by appointment only. However, our wonderful admin team is available to answer any of your questions or concerns via phone or email during normal business hours.
Hours vary between practitioners. Please contact us; we'd love to see if someone is able to accomodate your scheduling needs.
Site #1
66 Club Rd. Suite 350 Eugene, Oregon 97401
Practitioners at this site:
Pauline Botchway
Ky Brown
Hana Burnett
Zoraya Henao
Brian Jackson
Jessica Riscili
Melanie Sellers
Naomi Tuman
Site #2
911 Country Club Rd. Suite 270 Eugene, Oregon 97401
Practitioners at this site:
Robyn Bannon
Paula Bloom
Shane Esplin
Ashley Higgins
Jessica Izsak
Dawna Willoughby-Roberts
Jackie Van der Zwan
Bend Site
373 NE Greenwood Ave Bend Oregon 97701
Practitioners at this site:
Susi Gallagher
Megan Lux
Kristine Rodrigues
Julie St. Clair
McKenzie Storms
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